Optimize lead generation and conversions for the Meilleur-Artisan online shop

Meilleur-artisan.com case study

Since 2007, Meilleur-artisan.com has connected building professionals with private individuals for all types of construction projects. Today, it boasts over 29,000 listed professionals, 3 million annual visitors, and 200,000 completed projects!

Ecomsight’s objective is to identify barriers to conversion from the first page visited right through to the request for a quote, conduct A/B tests, and collect user feedback through on-the-spot surveys.

Please note: Analyses and reports are customized according to your objectives. The tools presented below may vary depending on the technologies used in your online shop.

The aim of this web performance analysis project for the meilleur-artisan.com website is to:

  • Analyze the technical performance and usability of the site.
  • Analyze the purchasing path of a typical customer and identify the key stages with low conversion rates.
  • Suggest ways to improve the customer experience and usability of the site.
  • Deliver a full audit of the site and a prioritized action plan to optimize web performance on an ongoing basis.

1. Technical and Marketing Kick-off

Or, how to get your project off to a good start! The aim of the technical and marketing kick-off is to define the technical performance to be analyzed (e.g., speed of loading X pages, functionality tests), the tags to be installed, the surveys to be carried out, and most importantly, the final business objective.

Définition des 4 étapes du projet.

2. Analysis of Core Web Vitals and Their Evolution

The aim is to understand whether the browsing experience on the site is ‘satisfactory’, i.e., whether the main loading and interactivity indicators are not the primary causes of a drop in conversions during the user’s purchasing journey.

Tests are primarily conducted on mobile phones. As most of the site’s users are on mobile phones (approximately 56%), the results on mobile devices often more accurately reflect overall performance due to the following characteristics:

  • Mobile = lower bandwidth, less memory, and power compared to desktop.
  • Desktop = results are most often better and easier to correct/optimize compared to mobile.
Enregistrement des métriques des Core Web Vitals.

3. Automated Scenario Testing and Scalability Testing

The aim of these tests is to ensure the response time of the site’s functionalities (e.g., searching for a craftsman) when faced with a surge in traffic.

  1. Analyze the reliability of the site following a simulated load with X virtual users (VU) simultaneously.
  2. Ensure site availability during these load tests.

The automated scenarios will be recorded and analyzed over a period of several days and during specific communication plans to guarantee the relevance of the tests.

Automated scenario for creating a new quote.
Load test with analysis of server responses.

4. Testing the Deliverability and Appearance of Transactional Emails

The aims of these tests will be to:

  1. Audit the correct configuration of the email delivery service.
  2. Test the appearance of emails in the main email services.
    1. Check the configuration of the email delivery service (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, Spam)
    2. Testing the appearance of emails in different messaging systems.

    5. Behavioral Analysis and Purchase Path

    The activities will be broken down into four brief stages of a typical purchase path:

    1. Familiarization: The visitor learns about the offers and products, carries out searches, and navigates through the site without interacting (e.g., they do not create an account, subscribe to the newsletter, or add items to their shopping basket).
    2. Consideration: The visitor interacts with the site by performing actions such as creating a customer account, adding a product to the basket, or subscribing to the newsletter.
    3. Purchase: The visitor makes a purchase and becomes a customer.
    4. Loyalty: Retention analysis is conducted to understand how often a visitor or customer has interacted with the site again over a period of X days (to be defined based on events).
    Breakdown of the four key stages in the purchasing process.
    Identification of the key conversion stages and possible friction points.
    Analysis of hot zones and click zones.
    Analysis of the scroll limit.
    Analysis of click loss from the main menu.
    Analysis of the abandonment rate following a specific search.
    Analysis of the main entry and exit pages and their bounce rates.

    6. Surveys

    The aim is to understand more precisely why visitors are more likely to leave the site from landing pages of the “All-inclusive package” type when the first price is displayed.

    • Are visitors leaving because the first price is immediately displayed?
    • Is it unclear how the site functions?
    • Do visitors expect to receive a first price later, after providing more details about their request?

    The survey will be triggered on several specific landing pages for visitors coming from the home page or a Google SEO link who are about to leave the site.

      Results of surveys.

      7. A/B Tests

      Initial test hypotheses are created based on analyses of purchasing paths, user behavior, and survey results.

      The goal is to test several design and content variants to determine which variations reliably increase the conversion rate.

      Creation of hypotheses for A/B tests.
      Sample results of A/B test variants.